Bukan KEKAYAAN dunia yang dikejar... BUKAN kesusahan hidup yang diharapkan... BUKAN kemiskinan AKHIRAT yang dipertaruhkan... BUKAN kesenangan diri sendiri....tapi, CUMA nak lihat kehidupan kita BERUBAH... dari TIADA kepada ADA... dari SUSAH kepada SENANG... dari SEDIH kepada GEMBIRA... dari MISKIN kepada KESENANGAN BERBELANJA... dari KEGAGALAN kepada KEJAYAAN... mahukah ANDA bersama-sama BERUBAH... dari NEGATIF kepada POSITIF??? dari SATU kepada SEMUA yg BERHAK.... hanya yang benar2 ada IMPIAN bertukar menjadi HARAPAN..

May 6, 2010

Serangan ke atas pejuang Islam mula menggigit dia sendiri ....

Tiada dua-alam dalam dunia islam!
Backlash serangan melulu DSAI dan pengikutnya keatas apco !

Dulu kata Dsai:

“ One wonders how, in the 21st century, the Muslim world could have produced an Osama bin Laden. In the centuries when Islam forged civilizations, men of wealth created pious foundations supporting universities and hospitals, and princes competed with one another to patronize scientists, philosophers and men of letters. The greatest of scientists and philosophers of the medieval age, ibn Sina, was a product of that system. But bin Laden uses his personal fortune to sponsor terror and murder, not learning or creativity, and to wreak destruction rather than promote creation”(Time Mag. Who Hijacaked islam ?).

Barat sudah tidak percaya......

“The sad truth is that we shouldn’t be surprised by Ibrahim’s(dsai) descent into anti-Americanism or anti-Semitism. When he told CNN that “stoking the flames of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism is a good distraction,” he wasn’t condemning: he was observing and prescribing.

This is not the first time Ibrahim has gone down this road: he has a history of Jew-baiting when expediency calls for it. To pick just one example, in 2008, with Malaysian elections approaching, he casually tossed out this charge in an interview with IslamOnline: “I have evidence proving that the government is backing the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and some parties inside Israel.” (To the credit of the Malaysian electorate, Ibrahim’s opposition coalition failed to win a majority in that election.)” .... The Reversal of Anwar Ibrahim by Rachel Motte.The New ledger!

Siapa DSAI Sebenar ????

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